
March 20, 2014

March 20, 2014

Just a quick thankyou for your wonderful presentation with the Shell Livewire program, I was extremely impressed by your enthusiasm, knowledge and dedication towards small business. Quite inspiring I must say. – Chris Vale (Attendee at presentation)

You will be pleased to know that the video of your wonderful presentation to our Zonta Area 3/5 Workshop last year was shown to our District Board recently, (with great success) and I have had requests from several Area Directors to borrow it to show to their clubs. As you can see, the impact has been considerable and continuing – you can give yourself several big ticks for this one! – May McPhail, Area 3 Director, District 24, Zonta International

I was very pleased to meet you this morning and to listen with great interest to your presentation. Congratulations on “creating your own destiny” – a wonderfully inspirational address!! – Beverley Fox, Year 11 Supervisor, St Margaret’s AGS

I want to thank you very much for attending the I-Stars breakfast at St.Hilda’s this morning. Your presentation was fantastic and full of enthusiasm for the industry in which you are so involved. I have already had girls and staff say how much they got out of it. Commenting on the breadth of jobs and ways to enter the industry. It is great to encourage girls in particular to reach for their dreams and to give them new things to dream about. – Carol Baker, Careers Consultant, St. Hilda’s School

Thanks for the all excellent suggestions and inspiration. You are a really dynamic person and I can see why your presentations are always a success. – Lynne Knop, Cairns

Everyone had a great time and the day was a success. Your presentation was quite relevant/important to the things we do, so I hope everyone got something out of it like I did. It also proved to be a good topic to hold their attention! (always a good thing). – Sara Hines, Accenture

Adrian Mortimer the Chairman of our Board who attended your seminar just told me that it was excellent. Thanks again – Liz Manning, CEO, SEA